The Employees’ Solidarity Group at the Chamber of Deputies was established as an Association on 28th November 2007.  Its aim is to promote and support initiatives having a pre-eminently social focus both in Italy and worldwide, whilst paying particular attention to the weakest and least fortunate members of society:  children, the poor, the sick and the elderly.  Members of the Association are personally and professionally committed to the cause of solidarity without religious or ideological restrictions and, through concrete gestures, contribute towards alleviating situations of hardship and suffering that are dramatically evident in our society.

The Association is animated and supported by employees of the Chamber of Deputies (both serving and retired) and by all those who, by participating in its initiatives, enable the Solidarity Group to raise funds.  Such funds are distributed through humanitarian organisations and finance the implementation of cooperation projects targeting populations in need (particular attention is paid to children).

The “Employees’ Solidarity Group at the Chamber of Deputies” Association

The “Employees’ Solidarity Group
at the Chamber of Deputies” Association

webmaster: Massimo Asquini  2018
translations: Umberto Cini
Ongoing initiatives
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